“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” [Romans 8:14 NKJV]
The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to offer leadership. To lead means to influence. It also means to guide or to bring to an expected place.
Before we became born again, we followed the dictates of this world and did what seemed right to us. We went to places we felt were right and followed everything we felt was good for us. We were actually in charge of our own lives and directed ourselves wherever we deemed fit. We made several mistakes and fell into trouble when we continued to lead our lives the way we wanted.
After we became born again, the Holy Spirit came to live inside us. Thus, we are no longer in charge of determining what to do with our lives. His work is to lead us each day until we ultimately become like Christ. True sons are led by the Spirit of God. As children of God, we must note that we are privileged to have the Holy Spirit residing in us. He knows all things and has the ability to bring us to the desired destination if only we would allow Him to.
Being led by the Holy Spirit is not a one-day event but something we do each day.
When we speak, do we speak as those who are being influenced by the Holy Spirit? Our conduct and character should point others to the fact that our lives are a product of God’s influence. Our decisions and words should be a reflection of the influence of the Holy Spirit.
We are able to influence others positively only when we ourselves have been influenced by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in us to influence us and to lead us. We must, therefore, surrender to His leadership daily.
Before we take any decision, we must ask the Holy Spirit to lead us and show us the way we should go. He will lead us in our journey to Christ-likeness. He will lead us to become great disciples of Jesus. He will lead us to be great ministers of God. He will lead us to bring solutions to the problems we face. We need to make room for Him to lead us each day.
Father, help me to surrender my will to Yours. May Your Spirit daily lead me to fulfil Your purpose for my life.
Prophetic Declaration: Psalm 91
Bible In One Year: Job [Chapters 9–12]