Earnestly seek to commend yourself to God as a servant who, because of his straightforward dealing with the word of truth, has no reason to feel any shame. [2 Timothy 2:15 Weymouth]
Reading is a habit that anyone who truly wants to lead must never downplay. Yes, even in the Christian faith, you must be a reader to be a leader. The anointing and grace are available to anyone who avails him/herself and allows the Holy Spirit to express Himself freely in their lives. However, those who go the extra mile to read and study, last longer in the anointing and grace.
In 2017, Harold Willmington of Liberty University summarised that one-tenth of the quotes of Jesus, as recorded in the New Testament, are from the Old Testament. If you know Jesus, you know He had a lot to say, so much that John wrote that the world could not contain the books that would have been written if everything Jesus did was written [John 21:25]. The point we are driving at here is this, Jesus read the scriptures and committed them to mind, so much that one out of every ten sentences He made was a scripture.
Our verse for today tells us to have a straightforward dealing with the Word of truth. The expression straightforward dealing means comprehensible, direct, and honest. How can one demonstrate an honest comprehensive knowledge of the word if he/she isn’t reading and studying? The reason some young people are largely ashamed of their faith in Jesus is the lack of comprehensive knowledge. Think about it, if they did have direct and honest knowledge of the scriptures, will they not rather expose the ignorance of those who would otherwise have mocked them?
The popular translation of our verse reads “Diligently study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of the truth…” Are you studying diligently as Jesus did? Have you invested in study materials and resources? If your answers are no, you should be intentional to work at it. As a Jesus follower, you have to emulate what He did during His days in the flesh.
Heavenly Father, thank You for approving of me in Christ Jesus. Help me to be a workman who is unashamed because of the comprehensive understanding I have of Your word. As I read and study, please open the eyes of my understanding, in Jesus name, Amen.
Further Reading: Deut 17:19 / Ephesians 3:4
Bible In One Year: Luke [20–23]