This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning. [Hebrews 10:25 TPT]
At the mention of the word fellowship, what usually comes to mind is a believer fellowshipping with God. Praying, studying the word and yes that’s accurate, but that is not all fellowship refers to. Likewise, the fellowship between a believer and other believers is very important.
Humans are flawed in several ways because of sin. We are not perfect and even though believers in Christ become saved, the process of change in attitude is not instant. It takes a lot of studying the word, learning from others, and the constant renewing of the mind. So unfortunate that we have the potential to and do hurt each other sometimes. Sometimes, lies are told, and hurtful things are said, so because of this, there are a lot of disgruntled people who want to have nothing to do with fellowship and churches.
However, for believers, the benefits of fellowship far outweigh the possible struggles that may come out of a constant meeting. Through fellowship, faith is strengthened by listening to the testimonies of others. People find help in times of need and support through friends and loved ones. This and many more. It takes effort to stay in an environment where you may be hurt by someone who means well. But we must lead ourselves to do that. God is big on relationships. He doesn’t want people doing things alone. Even the disciples, He sent them out to preach the gospel in twos. And besides, it’s easy for the devil to harm you when you are isolated and not rooted in a family of believers who can pray with you when things are not going well.
We must lead ourselves to fellowship with other believers. The Bible talks about so many benefits of Godly companionship. There is so much you can learn about from a fellow believer. We are the body of Christ, and we work better when we are together. Everyone has been brought here to complete and help another person and when we trust in God, He helps us to help each other just like He intended for us to do.
Thank You, Lord, for fellowship. In Your wisdom, You said it is not good for me to be alone hence grant me the spirit of endurance and long-suffering in relation to other believers and not pull away because of offence, in Jesus name, Amen.
Further Reading: Acts 2:42
Bible In One Year: John [20 & 21] / Acts [1 & 2]