But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil [Hebrews 5:14 ESV]
It is said that a habit is formed by repeatedly doing a particular action consistently for a number of days.
A lot of things do not come instantly. They have to be ingrained in us. We have to make a conscious effort to form the habits ourselves. As believers, it is imperative that we become people of prayer and of studying the word, among others, and these things require intentional discipline. No one is born with a habit; they are formed deliberately. That’s not to say that it will be easy. It requires consistency and determination. Take it that a person wants to make Friday a day for studying the word of God. Every Friday they would have to reserve a specific time for this study, even if they were tired or didn’t want to study the word, they would still have to stick to their timetable.
Sometimes they may not want to go through with it, and other times they may be hard-pressed with time. But we should never put “things of God” second in our lives. He sacrificed His best to set us free, we must not give Him sloppy seconds. Now back to our example. The more frequently the person does the Bible study on Fridays, not allowing distractions to throw them off, the easier it is for them to do it every week and in doing so consistently, a habit is formed.
Dear friend, that’s what it takes to ingrain time for God into your personal life. Desire and persistence. It may sound difficult; but you don’t have to be worried, pray to God, and He will give you the discipline you need to see your plans through. However, you must be proactive as well. Make plans, clear your schedules to have time for God, and be prepared to go along with it. Don’t allow things to take you away from God and away from forming Godly habits; they will help you greatly on this journey that we are on as believers in a world that is not ours.
Heavenly Father, thank You for making it possible for me to form habits that will aid my walk with You. Please help me to be disciplined enough to keep practising those things which are going to form the right habits in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Further Reading: Philippians 1:9–10
Bible In One Year: Luke [4–7]