Leadership Camp
Starting the year right is of great importance. As a ministry, the leaders and serving members from all our various branches come together from 1st-5th January every year to spend time with God and seek His will for the year ahead. Our camps create an environment for leadership skills development in serving others. We go through various training sessions like prayer, bible studies and other ministry and personal ethics geared towards Christ-likeness.

Camp Lifeguard
Camp Lifeguard, also known as the Shepherds’ Camp, is a 3-day training and equipping program for all leaders of our various branches. It provides an environment which conditions leaders to gain knowledge and understanding in that which they have been called to. We come together to learn what true leadership is all about (in and out of CYI) and how to be true Jesus followers who can lead His flock.

Camp Nurture
Camp Nurture is a discipleship camp for young people in junior high school and below. In CYI, we believe that greatness begins from infancy and no child is too young to know Christ. At Camp Nurtured we introduce our young members to Jesus, and in the long run, through the teaching of the principles of God, promote discipline, teamwork, and love for one another.

Camp Ventured
Camp Ventured is a three-day camping event organized by the business directorate of Christ for Youth International (CYI) as part of its objective to train and equip young people to influence the world with the business leadership skill acquired. The camp is aimed at connecting like-minded young people to build a community that expresses and advances the kingdom mandate through business. Our targeted audiences for this event are entrepreneurs, business enthusiast and young professionals.

Camp Discovered
Camp Discovered is a three-day camping event organized by the Creative Department of the organization. The camp gathers all talents in the ministry under the same roof with the aim of grooming these talents with the Kingdom principles. Camp Discovered creates an enabling environment for creatives to serve God and man with their talent.

One Way Missions
One Way Mission Global is the outreach wing of the ministry. We believe that as a ministry we have been saved to save others and that we have a responsibility of reaching others with the Gospel for Christ. The One Way Missions Global team oversees all mission works done at various levels. Missionary work may vary from one day to two weeks or more.

Saved 2 Serve

Saved to Serve is our annual praise and worship concert marking the anniversary of the ministry. It is also a time where gifted people in the ministry such as singers, dancers, rappers, songwriters, instrumentalists and many more showcase their talents. Most songs ministered during Saved to Serve are written and composed by the young people in the ministry. Saved 2 Serve, gathers over 2000 people from over 22 communities to be partakers of the concert. The inspiration behind Saved to Serve comes from the knowledge that God saved us for us to be of service to our world.

Awakening Prayer Retreat

Awakening is an all-day prayer retreat organized by Christ for Youth International. The prayer retreat marks the end of the ministry’s 14-day fast organized in the second quarter of the year. The prayer retreat is a time we set aside to give God glory for a successful first half of the year while committing the second half into his hands.

Special December

Special December is our annual Christmas get-together for all friends, partners, members and well-wishers of CYI to celebrate and thank God for a successful year. It is also a time where our Christmas message to everyone is put across through acting.

Family Games

Family Games is an annual inter-branch sports and games event. The goal of the event is to bring the CYI family and other youth together in one venue to compete in football, basketball, and other smaller games like ludo, ampe, etc. We also look to reach out to the youth—especially sports fanatics—with the Gospel through this program; letting them know that God is also interested in sports.