Be Intentional About Habits

Christ for Youth International

Like newborn babies you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto [completed] salvation [1 Peter 2:2 AMPC]

Babies feed on milk every day in order to grow, and the same applies to us as Christians. Each day, our hunger and thirst to know God must grow and as it grows, we must satisfy that hunger by reading His word and praying consistently.

The whole Christian growth depends on your attitude towards the things of God. No one is born preprogrammed with habits, they are formed and developed over a period of time. Habit formation is a deliberate process that requires our undivided attention. If you discipline yourself enough to be consistent with God, then He will gladly satisfy you with His word.

Yes, there may be certain thoughts and desires hindering you, but keep in mind that you are not responsible for what you attract. But also know that you are responsible for what you entertain. Fight against thoughts and desires that hinder your growth and continue to commune daily with God, striving to reach a point where those thoughts and desires can not get to you anymore.

People of God, there is more to God than we know, and we will not be able to unlock that knowledge until we earnestly desire Him. Our failure to be deliberate about forming the right Christian habits automatically means we are going to pick up the wrong worldly ones. There is no neutral ground here. So do not just sit down and expect things to automatically change. It all starts with you. You have to take the first step and allow God to do the rest.

Heavenly Father, today, I want to take the first step in growing in You. I want to know You personally and just not what people say about You. Please help me develop the habit of consistently being in communication with You. In Jesus name, Amen.

Further Reading: Psalm 27:4

Bible In One Year: Luke [8–11]

Christ for Youth International
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