Mission & Vision

We exist to grow youth in fellowship and in honour of God to be like well-nurtured plants and pillars to adorn, so we may reach out to our generation through the principles of Christ’s leadership.

CYI is committed to serving others selflessly. We believe that as followers of Jesus, we need to lay down our lives for others (1 John 3:16). We are committed to serving believers in the ministry, outside the ministry and also our community. We are ready to serve others in order to make life better for them and also carry other people’s burdens.

CYI is a Christ centered youth ministry. Our faith is based on a person. Everything we do has a focus on Christ. CYI is not a club or group of friends. We exists because of Christ and we do all we do because of Christ. Christ is our foundation and all we do has Him as our foundation (1 Cor. 3:11).

CYI is fully accountable to our God, our staff, our youth, and our supporters. We believe that all we have was given to us by God and so we must use them for His purposes. Nothing we have is used for personal gain. All our resources are channeled back to the Kingdom for expansion.

CYI is committed to serving others selflessly. We believe that as followers of Jesus, we need to lay down our lives for others (1 John 3:16). We are committed to serving believers in the ministry, outside the ministry and also our community. We are ready to serve others in order to make life better for them and also carry other people’s burdens.

CYI is uncompromising in exhibiting honesty and integrity in everything we do. We believe that as followers of Jesus, we must walk in the highest form of integrity. We believe our lives are a message to the world. We believe everyone must be treated fairly and so are careful in our dealings with others.

CYI is unwavering in our call to serve and develop young people for Christ. Many youth have been left and forgotten. Many programs in our churches don’t have youth as the focus. Many youth in some churches feel they are not part of their churches because they don’t have roles to play. Our goal is to give youth a chance to have a relationship with God and also serve Him.

CYI is committed to excellence in everything that we do. We believe God is an excellent God and so all we do must be done excellently. Much care and planning goes into everything we do, to ensure we come out with excellent result.