A Devotional Life

Christ for Youth International

I love those who love me, and those who seek me early shall find me. [Proverbs 8:17 AFV]

What do you think it means to live a devotional life or a life of devotion? No, it’s quite different from quiet time or time set aside for having devotion in the morning. A life of devotion is more than just a day; it is a continuous seeking of God. It is spending time with Him in the mornings during your quiet time. It is muttering prayers under your breath as you go through your day. Furthermore, it is having scripture on your mind.

Although having a devotional life may sound difficult to do, with how the world is lately, it is not impossible to have God fill your whole day. It just takes a bit of your intentionality. God’s Word says that when you seek Him with your whole heart, you will find Him. It takes intense love to seek somebody like that.

Do you feel like your love has run dry? That it has been sapped by your day-to-day routine? That you do not feel as passionate for God as you used to? Perhaps, all that is on your mind lately is school, work, your family? Then Pray! Yes, pray. Ask God to help you love Him the way He wants you to. Trust me. It works.

Keep praying consistently till you see your interests changing. Till you see yourself eager to go to church on Sundays. Till you see yourself yearning to get home, so you can use your study Bible. It is all a matter of how much you want it. God is only as close to us as we allow Him to get. He wants to have a personal relationship with us all, and today is a new opportunity to try to get closer to Him. Do not waste it. He wants to hear from you.

Heavenly Father, help me to live a life of devotion to You. Please help me to love You the way You want me to. Stir up the desire in me to be closer to You, to constantly seek You, and to pray consistently.

Further Reading: John 14:21

Bible In One Year: Luke [16–19]

Christ for Youth International
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